About Us

At Pimly, we're not just another startup. Our founding team brings a wealth of both Salesforce and Product Information Management (PIM) experience to solve real-world problems, supported by world-class investors.
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Venture Capital Backed

Our investors are more than investors, they are our partners who invest in our success. Our seed funding round was led by High Alpha, HPA, and Handshake Ventures, all with proven track records of success in building highly successful technology companies.
a diagram showing the different types of appliance

Why Chicago?

Strategically headquartered in Chicago, the vibrant heart of the Midwest, Pimly is perfectly positioned to serve the manufacturing powerhouses that call this region home.
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The Problem We Saw

Buyer expectations for quick and accurate product experiences have dramatically increased. As digital commerce continues to grow, companies have struggled with ensuring their product information is accurate everywhere, for everyone. This is especially challenging, yet critical, for all Salesforce users.
a magnifing glass

The Gap in the Market

Recognizing that traditional PIM solutions were falling short, we identified a critical gap in the market. Existing PIM technologies, largely unchanged since their inception over two decades ago, were not addressing the needs of the entire organization. The focus remained narrowly on product owners and end customers, overlooking the increasing demand for real-time product information access among internal teams.
a diagram showing the process of using a pmr to create a new pmr

Our Solution: Pimly

In response, we created Pimly--a groundbreaking solution built natively on Salesforce, bringing comprehensive product information into the heart of business operations. Pimly is the bridge connecting your product data and digital assets across all Salesforce Clouds, ensuring your product information is accurate everywhere, for everyone that needs it.
Salesforce Extensibility

Looking Forward!

Pimly is revolutionizing PIM with rapid innovation ensuring critical product information is precisely where and when it's needed, quickly making it a new leader in the space. An early pioneer in AI, Pimly is redefining what's possible.

Join us on this journey to discovery what's possible with PIM and Salesforce, and discover how Pimly can transform your customer experience so you sell more and make every customer interaction delightful.
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See Pimly in Action

Ready to take your product information from great to incredible?
Book a Demo